Fəlakətdən sağ çıxmaq istəyənlər üçün 10 min nəfərlik yeraltı şəhər
13 dekabr 2023 15:42 (UTC +04:00)

Fəlakətdən sağ çıxmaq istəyənlər üçün 10 min nəfərlik yeraltı şəhər

Amerikanın "Vivos" şirkəti dünyanın sonundan sağ çıxa biləcək yeraltı şəhəri təchiz edib.

Lent.az xarici KİV-ə istinadən xəbər verir ki, ABŞ-ın Cənubi Dakota ştatının dağlarında keçmiş hərbi bazanın yerində 10 min nəfəri qəbul edə bilən nəhəng sığınacaq tikilib.

İndianada bundan daha kiçik bir sığınacaq artıq açılıb, Almaniyada isə başqa bir sığınacaq tikilir. "Vivos"un baş direktoru Dante Vicinonun sözlərinə görə, bunkerdə yer rezerv etmək istəyənlərin sayı bir il ərzində iki min faizdən çox artıb, satışlar isə 300 faiz artıb.

Hər kəs çılğınlıqla nə edəcəyini düşünərkən, icmamızın üzvləri yüzlərlə həmfikir insanla birlikdə sakitcə təyin olunmuş sığınacaqlarına gedəcək, özlərini ağır qapılar ardına bağlamağa və səthdəki hər cür təhlükədən sağ çıxmağa hazır olacaqlar.

epa07087511 YEARENDER PHOTO ESSAYS 2018 (22/33) Lyle Goodman closes the door on a former US Army munitions bunkers, which a developer is repurposing into a doomsday community for civilians called Vivos xPoint, near Edgemont, South Dakota, USA, 08 May 2018. Vivos estimates that its 575 bunkers can hold 5,000 people, making it 'the largest survival community on earth.' Bunker prices start at 25,000 US dollars (21,000 euros) for a 99-year lease. EPA-EFE/JIM LO SCALZO PLEASE REFER TO THE ADVISORY NOTICE (epa06817618) FOR FULL PACKAGE TEXT

"Vivos" şirkətinin baş direktoru Dante Vicino:

"Şirkət iddia edir ki, sığınacaqlar ən azı bir il səthlə təmas etmədən avtonom işləmək üçün nəzərdə tutulub. Cənubi Dakotada şəxsi bunkerdə bir yer müştərilərə 55 min dollara (təxminən beş milyon rubl) başa gələcək. İndianada daha ucuzdur: adambaşına 35 min dollar (3,2 milyon rubl).

Biz çox təhlükəli dövrlərdə yaşayırıq, bu nəsli kəsilmə səviyyəsində olan hadisələrdən sağ çıxmaq və bundan sonra təhlükəsiz şəkildə qayıtma fürsətinə sahib olmaq istəyənlər üçün həyat təminatı sığınacaq həllini zəruri hala gətirir".

Vivos tərəfindən hazırlanmış müasir bunkerlər səliqəli açıq planlı döşəmə məkanında hər hansı bir ehtiyacla təchiz edilib. Yaşayış sahəsi divanlar, kilim və qəhvə stolu ilə, mətbəx isə soyuducu dondurucu, mikrodalğalı soba, paltaryuyan maşın və yemək masası ilə tam təchiz olunub.

Yataq otaqları və vanna otağı üçün maraqlı olanlara dörd seçim verilir.

Plan A dörd əkiz otaq, bir ikiqat yataq otağı və bir vanna otağı ilə gəlir.

Plan B dörd əkiz otaq, bir ikiqat yataq otağı, bir vanna otağı və bir yaş otaqdan ibarətdir.

Plan C iki əkiz otaq, bir ikiqat yataq otağı, bir en-suite otağı olan bir usta yataq otağı və bir vanna otağı təklif edir.

Nəhayət, D planı səkkiz tək yataq otağı və üç vanna otağı təmin edir.

Story from Jam Press (Doomsday Community) Pictured: The bedroom at Vivos Xpoint compound. Doomsday community is looking for ???average??? residents to live in 575 bunkers for ???when all hell breaks loose??? A doomsday community is looking for residents to live in its neighbourhood and can reportedly fit up to 10,000 people in its 575 bunkers. Deep in the Black Hills mountain range in South Dakota, US, you???ll find a former army base stretched across 18 miles, used to store bombs and munitions from 1942 to 1967. The base has since been transformed into liveable bunkers aimed at providing an ???epic humanitarian survival project??? ??? and it???s not just for the top 1%. ???Average people??? can now reserve their spot for ???when all hell breaks loose???. ???Vivos, now known as an epic humanitarian survival project, is fully prepared for whatever and whenever events may unfold,??? Dante Vicino, the executive director of the business, told AbsolutelyBusiness.com. ???Our members are neither ???preppers??? nor the ???elite 1%???, but rather well-educated, average people with a keen awareness of the current global events and a sense of responsibility knowing they must care for and protect their families during these potentially epic and catastrophic times. ???Their economic profile is also diverse from lower middle-class incomes to high-net-worth individuals. ???Vivos is the plan B backup plan for their life assurance when all hell breaks loose - they view Vivos as a solution when it is needed. ???When everyone else is scrambling for a solution, our members will journey to their designated shelter, joined by hundreds of like-minded people, all prepared to lock the blast door and ride out whatever threats may be going on above.??? Their shelters are reportedly outfitted for a minimum of one year of autonomous operation without people needing to return to the surface. He said: ???As a result of the current Covid threat, the Ukrainian war and the ripple of su

Story from Jam Press (Doomsday Community) Pictured: Inside one of the modern bunkers at Vivos Xpoint compound. Doomsday community is looking for ???average??? residents to live in 575 bunkers for ???when all hell breaks loose??? A doomsday community is looking for residents to live in its neighbourhood and can reportedly fit up to 10,000 people in its 575 bunkers. Deep in the Black Hills mountain range in South Dakota, US, you???ll find a former army base stretched across 18 miles, used to store bombs and munitions from 1942 to 1967. The base has since been transformed into liveable bunkers aimed at providing an ???epic humanitarian survival project??? ??? and it???s not just for the top 1%. ???Average people??? can now reserve their spot for ???when all hell breaks loose???. ???Vivos, now known as an epic humanitarian survival project, is fully prepared for whatever and whenever events may unfold,??? Dante Vicino, the executive director of the business, told AbsolutelyBusiness.com. ???Our members are neither ???preppers??? nor the ???elite 1%???, but rather well-educated, average people with a keen awareness of the current global events and a sense of responsibility knowing they must care for and protect their families during these potentially epic and catastrophic times. ???Their economic profile is also diverse from lower middle-class incomes to high-net-worth individuals. ???Vivos is the plan B backup plan for their life assurance when all hell breaks loose - they view Vivos as a solution when it is needed. ???When everyone else is scrambling for a solution, our members will journey to their designated shelter, joined by hundreds of like-minded people, all prepared to lock the blast door and ride out whatever threats may be going on above.??? Their shelters are reportedly outfitted for a minimum of one year of autonomous operation without people needing to return to the surface. He said: ???As a result of the current Covid threat, the Ukrainian war

Story from Jam Press (Doomsday Community) Pictured: The cinema at Vivos Xpoint compound. Doomsday community is looking for ???average??? residents to live in 575 bunkers for ???when all hell breaks loose??? A doomsday community is looking for residents to live in its neighbourhood and can reportedly fit up to 10,000 people in its 575 bunkers. Deep in the Black Hills mountain range in South Dakota, US, you???ll find a former army base stretched across 18 miles, used to store bombs and munitions from 1942 to 1967. The base has since been transformed into liveable bunkers aimed at providing an ???epic humanitarian survival project??? ??? and it???s not just for the top 1%. ???Average people??? can now reserve their spot for ???when all hell breaks loose???. ???Vivos, now known as an epic humanitarian survival project, is fully prepared for whatever and whenever events may unfold,??? Dante Vicino, the executive director of the business, told AbsolutelyBusiness.com. ???Our members are neither ???preppers??? nor the ???elite 1%???, but rather well-educated, average people with a keen awareness of the current global events and a sense of responsibility knowing they must care for and protect their families during these potentially epic and catastrophic times. ???Their economic profile is also diverse from lower middle-class incomes to high-net-worth individuals. ???Vivos is the plan B backup plan for their life assurance when all hell breaks loose - they view Vivos as a solution when it is needed. ???When everyone else is scrambling for a solution, our members will journey to their designated shelter, joined by hundreds of like-minded people, all prepared to lock the blast door and ride out whatever threats may be going on above.??? Their shelters are reportedly outfitted for a minimum of one year of autonomous operation without people needing to return to the surface. He said: ???As a result of the current Covid threat, the Ukrainian war and the ripple of sub

Story from Jam Press (Doomsday Community) Pictured: The utility area at Vivos Xpoint compound. Doomsday community is looking for ???average??? residents to live in 575 bunkers for ???when all hell breaks loose??? A doomsday community is looking for residents to live in its neighbourhood and can reportedly fit up to 10,000 people in its 575 bunkers. Deep in the Black Hills mountain range in South Dakota, US, you???ll find a former army base stretched across 18 miles, used to store bombs and munitions from 1942 to 1967. The base has since been transformed into liveable bunkers aimed at providing an ???epic humanitarian survival project??? ??? and it???s not just for the top 1%. ???Average people??? can now reserve their spot for ???when all hell breaks loose???. ???Vivos, now known as an epic humanitarian survival project, is fully prepared for whatever and whenever events may unfold,??? Dante Vicino, the executive director of the business, told AbsolutelyBusiness.com. ???Our members are neither ???preppers??? nor the ???elite 1%???, but rather well-educated, average people with a keen awareness of the current global events and a sense of responsibility knowing they must care for and protect their families during these potentially epic and catastrophic times. ???Their economic profile is also diverse from lower middle-class incomes to high-net-worth individuals. ???Vivos is the plan B backup plan for their life assurance when all hell breaks loose - they view Vivos as a solution when it is needed. ???When everyone else is scrambling for a solution, our members will journey to their designated shelter, joined by hundreds of like-minded people, all prepared to lock the blast door and ride out whatever threats may be going on above.??? Their shelters are reportedly outfitted for a minimum of one year of autonomous operation without people needing to return to the surface. He said: ???As a result of the current Covid threat, the Ukrainian war and the ripple

Story from Jam Press (Doomsday Community) Pictured: The blast door at Vivos Xpoint compound. Doomsday community is looking for ???average??? residents to live in 575 bunkers for ???when all hell breaks loose??? A doomsday community is looking for residents to live in its neighbourhood and can reportedly fit up to 10,000 people in its 575 bunkers. Deep in the Black Hills mountain range in South Dakota, US, you???ll find a former army base stretched across 18 miles, used to store bombs and munitions from 1942 to 1967. The base has since been transformed into liveable bunkers aimed at providing an ???epic humanitarian survival project??? ??? and it???s not just for the top 1%. ???Average people??? can now reserve their spot for ???when all hell breaks loose???. ???Vivos, now known as an epic humanitarian survival project, is fully prepared for whatever and whenever events may unfold,??? Dante Vicino, the executive director of the business, told AbsolutelyBusiness.com. ???Our members are neither ???preppers??? nor the ???elite 1%???, but rather well-educated, average people with a keen awareness of the current global events and a sense of responsibility knowing they must care for and protect their families during these potentially epic and catastrophic times. ???Their economic profile is also diverse from lower middle-class incomes to high-net-worth individuals. ???Vivos is the plan B backup plan for their life assurance when all hell breaks loose - they view Vivos as a solution when it is needed. ???When everyone else is scrambling for a solution, our members will journey to their designated shelter, joined by hundreds of like-minded people, all prepared to lock the blast door and ride out whatever threats may be going on above.??? Their shelters are reportedly outfitted for a minimum of one year of autonomous operation without people needing to return to the surface. He said: ???As a result of the current Covid threat, the Ukrainian war and the ripple of

# 5595

Fidan İlqar

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